Explore KSACs by Pathway
Explore Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, and Credentials (KSACs) by IT Pathway.
6. Data Visualization and Communication
Label | KSAC Description | Bloom's Taxonomy Level | Cross-Cutting | |
a | Explain the role of data visualization in discovery, communication, and decision-making | knowledge | 3 | Generalist 4a, Machine Learning 3a |
b | Explain key tools and technologies for creating visualizations | knowledge | 2 | |
c | Evaluate data visualization options for proper application in various situations | ability | 4 | Generalist 4b, Machine Learning 3b |
d | Visualize data using various types of displays including tables, dashboards, graphs, maps, and trees | skill | 3 | Generalist 4d, Machine Learning 3d |
e | Create effective static and interactive data visualizations or storytelling that employ analytics and visualization software and strategies for various audiences | skill | 3 | Generalist 4c, Machine Learning 3c |
f | Properly define a problem in context, use appropriate data, and deliver a compelling visualization to explain or answer a question | ability | 3 | Generalist 4h, Machine Learning 3h |
g | Visualize data ensuring ADA/508 compliance for accessibility | ability | 3 |