Explore KSACs by Pathway
Explore Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, and Credentials (KSACs) by IT Pathway.
10. Secure Coding Principles
Label | KSAC Description | Bloom's Taxonomy Level | Cross-Cutting | |
a | Identify common coding errors that lead to insecure programs (e.g., buffer overflows, memory leaks, malicious code) and apply strategies for avoiding such errors. | skill | 3 | Cybersecurity 11d |
b | Knowledge of principles of cybersecurity. | knowledge | 2 | |
c | Understanding of secure coding principles. | knowledge | 3 | |
d | Apply the principles of least privilege and fail-safe defaults. | ability | 3 | Cybersecurity 11e |
e | Ability to determine what information can and more importantly can not be logged. | knowledge | 2 | |
f | Write code with logging capabilities. | skill | 2 | Cybersecurity 11f |
g | Awareness of Defensive programming. | knowledge | 1 | |
h | Knowledge of basics on securing web apps - SQL Injection and other input validation. | knowledge | 3 | Cybersecurity 11i |
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