Explore KSACs by Pathway
Explore Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, and Credentials (KSACs) by IT Pathway.
8. Data Ethics
Label | KSAC Description | Bloom's Taxonomy Level | Cross-Cutting | |
a | Identify how global legal, policy and/or ethical constraints might impact data analyses | knowledge | 2 | Generalist 5a, Machine Learning 5a |
b | Identify the established ethical and legal issues in data management facing organizations | knowledge | 2 | Generalist 5b, Machine Learning 5b, Data Management 3e |
c | Explain how ethical, compliance, and legal issues should/must be considered in data driven decision making | knowledge | 1 | Generalist 5c, Machine Learning 5c |
d | Discuss the importance of provenance, transparency, and explainability in data analysis and the ability to build trust | knowledge | 2 | Machine Learning 5f |
e | Present real world examples of data bias and the unintended consequences of using data analytics and AI in making decisions | knowledge | 2 | Machine Learning 5e |
f | Recognize the importance that data protection plays in managing data and building trust | knowledge | 2 | |
g | Explain the way your data analytics algorithms are vulnerable and can be manipulated | knowledge | 2 | |
h | Explain the limitations of using data analytics tools | knowledge | 2 | |
i | Explain the importance of general privacy that may include legal constraints related to the collection and usage of data | knowledge | 2 | Generalist 5d, Machine Learning 5g, Data Management 3f |
j | Explain the limitations and potential unintended effects of data analysis when such algorithms encounter new scenarios | knowledge | 2 | Machine Learning 5i |